Monday, January 24, 2011

Winter Crossing

In winter, you have to be well muffled up while crossing the Parnell Bridge over the River Leitrim, at Wicklow Town, even on a bright sunny day.


  1. Michael - I have spent about 45 minutes looking back through your blog as far as last November. I link to and enjoy a lot of blogs but not one in Ireland. Seeking to remedy that I have been looking at Irish blogs in the Daily City Photo hub. I am struck by yours for the variety and quality of your photographs. Also, you tell me a little something about what is in the photo and that helps me appreciate what is in the picture. I hope you don't mind that I will add a link to you in my link list. I hope you visit me and say hello.

  2. Hi Bill - welcome to Wicklow and thank you for your kind words and for adding me to your link list.
