Friday, October 1, 2010

Beach Graffiti

Another weekday visit to the beach at Brittas Bay, Co Wicklow and, of course, it's deserted.  Even this lifeguard station is closed up.  But someone has left their mark - I won't dignify it by describing it as art or even handiwork - so let's just call it Beach Grafitti - Wicklow style!

This is Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community and today's feature is Graffiti, so  click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. AS Roma football fans would love it if they could see your photo, it has the team colors!

  2. The way you framed it, this has such a great graphic quality.

    Greeting from Beirut!

  3. Sciarada: I thought those colours looked vaguely familiar - and I'm an admirer of Ranieri!

  4. Nice framing! At first I thought it was a trash dumpster until I read your description, but I still like it!

  5. Happy Theme Day - great post for "graffiti"

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

    Hood Photo Blog
