Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Theme Day - Open Air Market

Today, we return to the monthly market at Macreddin Village, Co Wicklow for our September 1st  Open Air Market feature on City Daily Photo Theme Day.  Above we see Teach Hilda's market stand specialising in the import of organic foods from southern Italy.

For a worldwide representation, please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.


  1. As I have toured around today looking at everyone's contribution to the Theme Day I have been astounded at how much each stall-holder has invested in produce and wares for their stall. I know they can only sell it if they stock it, but it really is such a gamble for some of them. I takes me hat off to them. Thank you for your contribution to the Theme Day today. I have enjoyed my short visit to Ireland.

  2. I could have spent both money and time here!:) Nice.

  3. Julie: Thank you for your comment. Yes I quite agree with you, it is an expensive undertaking to set up and operate a market stall and those that do so are very much to be admired but, I suppose, stall holders don't quite have the same overhead expense of a normal business which is operated from a fixed address, i.e. a shop premises. There are other benefits for potential market stall holders insomuch as it could allow them to set up and trial a possible business venture, for a reasonable expense, and to evaluate public response/reaction before committing to a longer term investment.
