Friday, September 3, 2010

Rathdrum Carriage Driving

Above, the Turneresque stage is set for the All Ireland National Championships Three Day Horse Driving Trials held at the farm of John and Elizabeth Hughes and family, on the outskirts of Rathdrum, Co Wicklow as we arrive for Day 2, the Cross Country Marathon with Obstacles Section.

Now we don't pretend to know much about this particular sport, or, indeed, any sport, but it seemed like it might present some nice photo opportunities, so, arriving in Rathdrum  without any indication as to where the event was being held, we eventually called in to the local CountryLife store and were kindly given a hand drawn map showing exactly where to go. So we made our way, following a mostly unsignposted route out of Rathdrum down some rugged country lanes to the very picturesque venue.

Above, and left competitors make last minute adjustments.

Below, I think he wants me to keep my distance and I'm only too happy to oblige!


  1. Wow, what an amazing sky on the first photo!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have to confess to a little Photoshop enhancement with this one!
