Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Isabella's Gone

Back in Enniskerry, Co Wicklow and the Garden Of Ireland Vintage Car Club are off on their 2nd annual run, heading out into the Wicklow Mountains, on this the first of a two day jaunt, and, above,  led by this gorgeous hardtopped MGA Roadster, followed not far behind by the Morgan we pictured yesterday.

Right, a fond farewell to Enniskerry from the '49 Triumph 2000 Roadster.

The 911 Turbo, to this day, continues to boss everything in it's wake, especially the Young Pretender, the Boxster, parked behind on the side of the street and partially obscured.

And somehow, during all of the departures, we managed to miss the Borgward Isabella Coupe!


  1. Great selection of classic cars from days gone by. Can't say that the Porsche is worthy to be included though.

  2. Yes, maybe so, the Turbo's still in production some 35 years since being introduced and probably not what would be considered vintage even though this one is at least 30 years old!
