Tuesday, August 31, 2010

One Of A Kind III

Back in Hunter's Hotel, Rathnew, Co Wicklow and it's time to check out the two acres of gardens, one of the 32 private gardens featured in the Wicklow Gardens Festival which runs from Easter to end of September.

Above and left is where we could have taken our afternoon tea instead of in the lounge, but that would have been at the expense of the interior photos featured in the last post!

I like this quieter and wilder area below, the River Walk, which stretches down to the River Vartry and Newrath Bridge.


Monday, August 30, 2010

One Of A Kind II

The creaky floorboards, the old furniture, the ambience of a bygone age, all here at Hunters Hotel near Rathnew, Co Wicklow.  Did you know that the King and Queen of Sweden have been regular visitors over the last few years?  And was that Steven Spielberg spotted having lunch with Daniel Day Lewis, a nearby resident, not so long ago?  I don't know!  I wasn't there, but that's the type of establishment Hunter's is - very discreet!

So we content ourselves with a seat in the lounge, above, where we await our afternoon tea.  All around is deserted, the bar, left, and the lounge, below. Where is everyone? Answer is, it's a beautiful day and everyone is relaxing in the wonderful gardens!  And that's where we're heading, tomorrow!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

One Of A Kind

Our next stop on the never ending tour is Hunter's Hotel, Newrath Bridge, Rathnew, Co Wicklow, a very special place and certainly one of a kind.  The oldest coaching inn in Ireland, Hunter's dates from the early 1700's and has been owned and run by the same family, the Gelletlies, since 1820.

We at Wicklow Daily Photo are not constrained by the need to publish only tourist friendly images, so, today we present above, the hotel sign at the front of the hotel, left, the arched entrance to the car park, yes, tall enough for the coaches (i.e. the horse-drawn variety), and below, the car park, albeit a very pretty car park!

Tomorrow we go inside.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Full Steam Ahead V

This is the last post from our little trip on the Rail Preservation Society of Ireland's steam train from Greystones to Wicklow Town and back so, it's all aboard for the return, sit back and enjoy the views.

 I really shouldn't stick my head out the window but just had to have a peek!

Below, we flash past, sorry, steam past Newcastle Aerodrome. 

 I like this view of the marshland between Newcastle and Kilcoole:

 Well that's it - for those with an interest in railways check out the RPSI's great website by clicking here.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Full Steam Ahead IV

Here she comes - having reversed back on the outside track, No. 186 approaches the back of the train.

Left, recoupling the engine to the train.

Below, all that's left to do is transfer the headlamps to the rear of the tender - there's no turntable in Wicklow Town, so, the engine has to go backwards, all the way to Greystones!  Hope our driver's got eyes in the back of his head!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Full Steam Ahead III

Arriving in Wicklow Town with the RPSI's steam train from Greystones, there's a mad dash to the front of the platform for the big photo opportunity with No. 186 while the gentleman on the right stands fast and officious - it was he who clipped our tickets en route!

 So, here we are at the front where the engine will be decoupled from the train and make it's way back to the opposite end for the return journey.

Away she goes!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Full Steam Ahead II

We're on board the RPSI's steam train starting from Greystones and hurtling towards Wicklow Town and this gentleman with the knitted railway bridge sweater is selling tickets for a draw!  Actually, he is an RPSI volunteer as are all those involved in putting on today's event.  The Rail Preservation Society of Ireland is a registered charity and all funds from ticket sales, shop sales, membership fees or donations go directly to keeping Ireland's steam railway heritage operating for future generations.  So, we head for the bar, the dining car( actually, snack car) and souvenir stand in order to assist in funding this very worthwhile cause!  More information can be had from their website by clicking here.

Well, it is a worthwhile cause!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Full Steam Ahead!

Today it's full steam ahead from Greystones to Wicklow Town and back with the Rail Preservation Society of Ireland's steam train packed with enthusiasts, families, tourists and the mildly curious(that's me, folks).

Above, the Great Southern and Western Railway 101 (classified J15) steam locomotive No. 186 pulls the train into Greystones Station to collect the masses.  Originally built in 1879, No. 186 was donated to the RPSI by CIE, the Irish State Transport Company, in 1965.  She had her last major overhaul in 2004 at the RPSI's locomotive workshop in Whitehead, Co Antrim. Click here for the full history of No. 186.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Harvest Time

The weather has been reasonably settled round these parts for the last few weeks so the harvest is well under way and, although you can't see it in these photos,  the neighbouring farms are a hive of activity from early morning.  Maybe I'll have to get up a little earlier to check out the action!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Vintage Time IV

Final post from the Rathnew Vintage Car and Tractor Run, Rathnew, Co Wicklow and this girl leads the way in her MF 133.

Left, being a city boy, and because it's got no markings, I have no idea what make or model tractor this guy is driving - could it be a Ferguson TE20?  Never mind, there's always the Harley:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Vintage Time III

Continuing our visit to the Rathnew Vintage Car and Tractor Run, above, if I'm not mistaken, is a nice example of a 1953 Riley RMF - very nice!

On the left, reflections of a blogger/snapper at work!

Below, not really vintage but how cool is this Mini and trailer?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Vintage Time II

All kinds of everything at the Rathnew Vintage Car and Tractor Run, so, it's muscle cars and ancient cars and some in between! Above, this first generation Ford Mustang; on the left, from 1915 to 1925 you could have the Model T Ford in any color as long as it was black; and below, this 1930's version of the ever popular Austin Seven.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Vintage Time

Vintage Time and so, off to the Vintage Car and Tractor Run in Rathnew, Co Wicklow for a fun day out where we see vintage, classic and ancient cars, tractors and motorbikes, side events and stalls, musical entertainment and even a bouncy castle.  Yes folks, we know how to do things properly here in Wicklow!

So, what about the stylish '58 Borgward Isabella TS Coupe above left and this '49 MG TC Roadster below?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Harley Boys

Strolling down Main Street, Wicklow Town at this time of year you find all sorts of people stopping en route while travelling around the county and many of these would be motorcycle clubs, usually the Honda Goldwing type, but today we come across this much more glamorous collection of some 7 or 8 newish Harley Davidson bikes minus their owners.  Only the camera phone today so some quick snaps later and it's off downtown but, rounding the corner into Market Square, we find The Harley Boys - chillin'!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Indian Sculpture Park VII

This is the last post from our visit to the wonderful and amazing Indian Sculpture Park at Victoria's Way, Roundwood, Co Wicklow and today we look at the 30 ft sculpture, located in it's own park, entitled Create or Die which represents the belief that "creating difference is spiritual, i.e. life giving" and that "abiding in sameness is un-spiritual, i.e.life denying."  Click here for a more comprehensive explanation from the Sculpture Park's owner and creator Victor Langheld.

So that's it - we finish with a picnic in the park surrounded by some of the more randomly placed sculptures.  All this for the princely sum of € 2.50 (a little more than 3 bucks!). The Park is open daily from 12.30 pm till 18.00 pm, May 1st to September 12th.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Indian Sculpture Park VI

 The marathon post/visit continues at Victoria's Way, Roundwood, Co Wicklow. This magnificent 15ft bronze of ‘the Buddha-to-be suppressing the urge to life’ represents the ascetic (or ‘wilderness’, or ‘Dark Night’) phase through which all wanderers pass. For the full dissertation click here.

 The bronze is a copy of a 2ft stone Gandhara (Roman provincial) period sculpture carved in the 1st century AD in what is now Pakistan.

And yes, it's good to talk!